A northerns life

A northerns life
Get ready

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I saw a commercial with a house and it was snowing and they were making a snow man and you could see the warmth comic from inside and there was Christmas lights and they had a Christmas tree up and it reminded me of Michigan and I stopped what I was doing and my heart sank. I missed it so much and the snow and just the winter/ christmas feel made me miss Michigan so bad. Texas never will have the feelin of winter with snow falling and you can drive by and see inside houses and you can see the warmth and ppl Christmas tree and the trees look like crystals and diamonds and the snow gives off a bluish look. I miss the snow a lot cause it's part of me and now that it's not Here I miss it a lot. I mean last year at Christmas here Brian and I got up and went over to my moms and it was just a little chilly no snow it was sad. I miss going out and un burying my truck or haven to put it in 4 wheel drive to get through a snow drift. I guess all these complaining would make sense to go back to Michigan then but I can't not with the job problem. Explaining why I love snow and the feeling of real Christmas would take forever but some day I hope to go back.


My shoulder hurts bad and up into my neck. I think it is from lifting up the couch, the whole right side hurts pretty bad like every time i lift my arm and move my neck. When i lay down it hurts bad cause when i lay down and when i get up i have to stiffen my neck and all my muscles so that hurts bad. When ever i try to hang my arm or shoulder down to relaxe it that hurts even more. If it doesnt stop hurting by friday i will go to the doctors to see if i ripped a muscle bad or what i should do. God i lift anything all the time but a couch got me.. lol. It just  makes me not what to do anything cause i am just sore as hell and on top of that my head starts hurting and i am just usless. I dont know i hope this goes away for saturday cause even if they have to remove the arm or shoulder i am going. My shoulder is so tough that i could be bullet proof.. i just hope its not semi dis located cause ive been there before. Not fun ;(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Carving pumpkins!

Brian and I went to heb and got two pumpkins after he got out of work. We couldn't find a good set of tools to carve it so we used are own steak knives and ice cream scoop to carve and get the stuff from inside. We did the classic jack o latern look. There out on the pouch now... Omg sitting on my ass made my legs go to sleep and omg I'm old lol. Baby started eating the pumpkin juts... Ewe I had to stop her. Lol. So now we are making dinner which is marinated pork with green beans and potatoes yummy!! I'm so hungry anyway I spent my day doing nothing and cleaning the house up an I re-arrenged my living room stuff so the cat can't jump onto the ledge by the stair cause if she jumps to much she will fall to her death so I moved it so that won't happen. I have been so tired today I dont know why cause I slept like 10 hours. Tomorrow I have to go to work 6 to 9 pm which is like a waste for gas and time for me but I need money so o well any who good night!

My life story!

This is my first blog that my good goofy friend Sofia told me about. I meant her at Macys when she decided to come join the bullshit of Macys. She soon learned this was a bad idea. lol (we all did) but anyway in a happier note. I will start saying that i suck at spelling and will have the largest run on's ever. Deal with it.. please. LOL. I have a lot to say in a very not so comforable chair. So this will probably be broken up alot over probably years if i can get everything i need to say out.

First, I will write about what i can remember frist in my life. I was born Sept. 8th in Grand Rapids MI. on a stormy night because everytime a Coger (Maiden name) is born it will storm..really there was a huge snow storm the night when my dad was born jany. 27th 19..something. yes, the Coger name comes from my dad. Anyway i was born there and my mom was like 27 years old and my dad 30 something again. They were both from Michigan well actally my mom was born in Hawaii and put up for adoption. She was adopted when she was a baby still and took to Michigan by Barb Davis of Edmore Mi. and Ron Mccarthy of some where he was in the military. She was adopted as a blue eyed, blond hair child and turned out to be brown eyed and very dark curly hair... and portain. Because her dad was portain and her mother white with green eyes and natural blond hair. Anywho i'll explain that later. Any way i am off track.. again, I was born and came out and you know how they always try to give the baby to the mom..well they tryed that and my mom said, " arent you going to clean her up" so my grandma that i mentioned earlier was the first to hold me and my dad the second. Except to this day they both say they were the first so i dont know whats the truth. My parents stayed togeather only for a year either after or before i was born. They were best friends that decided to get married and have a kid.. and also two ppl who are angry decided to have a kid and wonder why the kid is angry. I guess the first places i lived was stantion MI which is a little town next to Edmore and Mt. pleasant (soaring eagle cansino) thats the only way pp know what your talking about when you say its next to soaring eagle cansino because the towns are so small around that. I guess my mom lived above a pizza place and worked there.. and she would get stray cats and i guess they were kittens.. and i would be in my huge metal car thing that my dad got me that actally drove around and the kittens would come up over it and claw me from underneath so i guess i got mad and we were on the second level and there was a window open and i took the cats and throw them out the window. Dont worry... there was a second level and a ledge and they landed on it and didnt get hurt. Mom had to tie a basket on a string and lower it down and the kittens jumped in the basket and saved them. lol . Thats one of the many memories that i have. A other one is that my mom had 5 jobs that she worked to be able to get me things and pay for every day things. So i had a lot of baby sitters one was carrie that i kinda remember. Anyway i guess i was at the her house and there was staris down stairs and the gate at the top wasnt closed and i got in my stoller or something with wheels and rode the thing down the stairs i guess i made it almost down to the bottom and it flipped. I still have the mark on my forehead. I guess my mom was so mad at Carrie i dont know if she ever babysit me again. I am very thank ful cause my mom had 5 miss carries before i was born. So i am the only child. She was also married before my dad to a guy named patrick and he cheated on her with her best friend.. which is one of the deep deep down reason or at least one of them that i dont trust men. I know i wasn't born yet but still i know it hurt my mom. So my dad was number 2 and still to this day even though its didnt last long but i think he still loves her. He talks about her kinda bad and says shes crazy.. but you know what little boys do when they like a girl.. so... My dads name is Harold Guy Coger and his dad was a Crazy guy that used to beat him and almost killed him many times. Because his dad used to do that to him. But my dad never touched me, he never hit me or any thing not even when i was little. Hell he never drank in front of me until i was about 20 years old. He was a cool dad , taught me how to shot, fish, hunt, and everything that your support to teach a boy i knew how to do better then a boy. I even has a mongooose bike and it spray painting on license plates. We go fishing every weekend that he had me.. i loved it. On the lake... back on state land, with lilly pads every where and the lake was so still and like a mirror.. it was so quiet and you could see the bass and all the small fish swimming around are flat bottem boat. Yeah we used ors not a motor. Michigan had the best weather.. in the summer it was perfect 75 degress with a little breeze. The sun was just warn enough, it was like heaven. I lived in a rural communtity and to this day.. i think is the best way to live. I grew up around corn and where i was from was mainly potatos.. we even had a potato festival. So instead of roads everywhere and city shit i was combines, tractors and amish everywhere. There was almost more amish then there was normal everyday ppl. The land was huge and flat and there was farms everywhere. There was cows and horses and prime hunting land. In Michigan the deer are huge and alot bigger then Texas wanna be deer. We had rolling green land and huge trees and for fun i went hunting and had a 4 wheeler. One childhood memory that i will keep dear to my heart is Nanas and Papa Farm.

My first blog... Exciting

Sitting here at moms, shoulders hurt bad from moving the couch so every Time I raise my arm up and damn it hurts deep in my shoulder by my neck. So at 6 to 9 I'm going to work and I really don't want to. My moms going to get some iron at some hospital and I have to watch a 80 year old women that is pretty much dead in the inside. She has that where you can't remember anything ... Like a shell with nothing inside. I know thats mean but if I was Like that I would of ended it long ago. Watching some weird movie about 3 women one is a lesbian, the other has aids and one is going to have a baby wow it's weird. This guy is a asshole in this show wow.. I was watching ghost adventures that I love to death and mom called me and asked to watch grandma and my stomach tighten cause I had to drive I don't know what it is but the thought and act of driving scares me to make my stomach hurt. I have never been the type to be afraid of anything never less a car, I am a great driving and have had my license since I was 16 and I'm 22 now and haven't had a ticket or an accident. When I get scared I normally get pissed so that doesn't help the driving cause then I get in fights with other ppl that's probably why I am scared or not scared but worried when I drive. I don't like to admit that I'm nervous about anything but some reason I am of driving which I can't believe cause I have a huge truck and wanted one cause I love trucks and in case of something happens it will have more metal to protect me. I don't want to be Like me this guys wife that Brian works with cause she won't even leave the house and doesn't have a license! I don't know what's going on but that won't be me. So Saturday I am going to the ren. festival and can't wait my good friend made me a skirt and I'm gonna get a corset and a peasant top and look all ren. Festival like. And hopefully remember my camera. So this is me again at 1044 pm and my shoulders hurt and my neck I wonder if it is because of my pillow so I switch Brian and wow that feels better he even put icy hot on my shoulder Much better. I smell like a giant mint. Lol well work sucked as normal and I guess while I was texting/ going potty a little bastard kid hit a christmas tree and broke Like 20 orm. And this parents prolly didn't even punish him I would have got my ass paddled. To bad parents don't use physical force these days It worked for me and I don't do drugs, get in trouble with the law or anything bad. I found put lately I am just not happy I miss Michigan to much and all I think about is that. I hate Texas and I hate the city. Theres a whole list of reasons but I'll leave that for a other blog. Just like any time driving I did get in a fight with some old guy in a lexis that was dark red with gold lettering and the casters was following me And would switch lanes as I dis so I got mad and brake checked him cause he was tail gating me and he try's to hit me and I get pissed and tail gate him and flipping him off and he slamming on his brakes so I slow down and open my door retry much saying I want to fight and he keeps going so instead of turning where I want to turn I follow him and I act like I'm getting on the phone to call the cops I get beside of him and he can't look at me!! Wow some man he was lol fuck head!! I hope he dies I really do and he sees me before he goes . I get mad and fight with a lot of people, never Like this in Michigan. I just looked over and the cat is laying down in the bed between us with her head on Brian, she loves us. So told brian I was nervous to drive and it was hard but it seemed to help and he offered to drive me to work I want to get over it. So I drove and everything went ok. Well going to bed