A northerns life

A northerns life
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

My first blog... Exciting

Sitting here at moms, shoulders hurt bad from moving the couch so every Time I raise my arm up and damn it hurts deep in my shoulder by my neck. So at 6 to 9 I'm going to work and I really don't want to. My moms going to get some iron at some hospital and I have to watch a 80 year old women that is pretty much dead in the inside. She has that where you can't remember anything ... Like a shell with nothing inside. I know thats mean but if I was Like that I would of ended it long ago. Watching some weird movie about 3 women one is a lesbian, the other has aids and one is going to have a baby wow it's weird. This guy is a asshole in this show wow.. I was watching ghost adventures that I love to death and mom called me and asked to watch grandma and my stomach tighten cause I had to drive I don't know what it is but the thought and act of driving scares me to make my stomach hurt. I have never been the type to be afraid of anything never less a car, I am a great driving and have had my license since I was 16 and I'm 22 now and haven't had a ticket or an accident. When I get scared I normally get pissed so that doesn't help the driving cause then I get in fights with other ppl that's probably why I am scared or not scared but worried when I drive. I don't like to admit that I'm nervous about anything but some reason I am of driving which I can't believe cause I have a huge truck and wanted one cause I love trucks and in case of something happens it will have more metal to protect me. I don't want to be Like me this guys wife that Brian works with cause she won't even leave the house and doesn't have a license! I don't know what's going on but that won't be me. So Saturday I am going to the ren. festival and can't wait my good friend made me a skirt and I'm gonna get a corset and a peasant top and look all ren. Festival like. And hopefully remember my camera. So this is me again at 1044 pm and my shoulders hurt and my neck I wonder if it is because of my pillow so I switch Brian and wow that feels better he even put icy hot on my shoulder Much better. I smell like a giant mint. Lol well work sucked as normal and I guess while I was texting/ going potty a little bastard kid hit a christmas tree and broke Like 20 orm. And this parents prolly didn't even punish him I would have got my ass paddled. To bad parents don't use physical force these days It worked for me and I don't do drugs, get in trouble with the law or anything bad. I found put lately I am just not happy I miss Michigan to much and all I think about is that. I hate Texas and I hate the city. Theres a whole list of reasons but I'll leave that for a other blog. Just like any time driving I did get in a fight with some old guy in a lexis that was dark red with gold lettering and the casters was following me And would switch lanes as I dis so I got mad and brake checked him cause he was tail gating me and he try's to hit me and I get pissed and tail gate him and flipping him off and he slamming on his brakes so I slow down and open my door retry much saying I want to fight and he keeps going so instead of turning where I want to turn I follow him and I act like I'm getting on the phone to call the cops I get beside of him and he can't look at me!! Wow some man he was lol fuck head!! I hope he dies I really do and he sees me before he goes . I get mad and fight with a lot of people, never Like this in Michigan. I just looked over and the cat is laying down in the bed between us with her head on Brian, she loves us. So told brian I was nervous to drive and it was hard but it seemed to help and he offered to drive me to work I want to get over it. So I drove and everything went ok. Well going to bed

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